A dynamic entrepreneur, the Executive Director is responsible for guiding the overall strategy and operations of SP, and should possess:
– A firm belief that a healthy environment and vibrant economy can and must go hand in hand, and a passion for making this happen;
– Demonstrated leadership ability, particularly running a campaign or organization in a time of proactive change with a budget of over $1 million;
– Proven ability to manage staff and budgets.
– Experience building alliances with a range of partners and mobilizing them towards a common goal;
– Excellent communication ability with a variety of audiences;
– Bilingualism, a graduate degree, and fundraising experience are all assets.
This is a full time position, based in Ottawa. Salary is competitive with the public sector and commensurate with experience.
Interested parties should send a CV and cover letter in confidence to Stephanie Cairns at spsearch@wrangellia.ca . Consideration of applications will begin on December 18, and continue until the position is filled.