Study Subject(s):Isolate transformed epithelial cells from primary human pancreatic adenocarcinomas and characterize their epigenome using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to next generation sequencing
Course Level:Postdoctoral
Scholarship Provider: European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Italy
Scholarship can be taken at: Italy
-National fellowship scheme: (only for applications to the IFOM-IEO campus groups)
-Candidates must be Italian citizens resident in Italy.
-Candidates must hold a Doctorate degree at the time of the application or must be awarded it within 2 months of the application.
-The Doctorate degree must have been awarded no more than four years prior to application. Exceptions are made for:
-women with children. One additional year per child can be claimed, up to a maximum of three years.
-other documented career break
-Publication record: candidates must have at least one publication as first author (either accepted, in press or published) at the time of the application.
-Candidates must provide at least two letters of references
Scholarship Open for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: One postdoctoral position is available in Natoli group to work on epigenetic control of pancreatic cancer. The objective of the project is to isolate transformed epithelial cells from primary human pancreatic adenocarcinomas and characterize their epigenome using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to next generation sequencing. These data will be used to infer, and experimentally validate, transcriptional circuits controlling abnormal behaviors of pancreatic cancer cells. The project involves the collaboration with computational biologists entirely dedicated to this project. Competitive salary, commensurate with experience and track record, and benefits.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: Contact employer
Further Scholarship Information and Application