Founded in 2000, INMAGINE® has grown to be the leading supplier and distributor of Royalty-Free digital stock photography. With more than 10 million Royalty-Free stock images from over 100 best-selling collections, we hold the most complete list of Royalty-Free publishers in the market today.
Being the world’s largest royalty-free stock image content provider, INMAGINE® constantly strives to cater to the unyielding demands of advertising agencies, graphic design firms, and corporate businesses. We provide a one of a kind 24-hour service throughout our offices in United Kingdom, United States, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Australia and Asia. Our multi-language website supports up to 8 languages complete with a vast selection of online tools, precise search and instant downloads. In essence, offering much diversity and creativity for everyone.
Selangor – Petaling Jaya
• You will be at the helm of the creative process.
• To conceptualise and write for advertisements, corporate and product brochures, flyers, etc.
• Responsible for English content writing and editorial services on publications, internal communications and related areas.
• Proof reading.
• Must be able to provide original catchphrases, slogans, tag lines, messages.
• Must have the ability to write good, clear, imaginative copy in a variety of styles with accurate spelling and grammar.
• Strong attention to detail, able to maintain focus with minimal distractions.
• Degree in Mass Communication, Journalism, English or equivalent.
• Minimum 4 years’ working experience gained from advertising agencies or publishing sectors.
• An understanding of Western (or global) trends in advertising would be a plus point.
• Good exposure in editing work and proof reading.
• Competent in English.
• Strong written and verbal fluency in Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia will be an added advantage.
• Have a flair and passion for writing.
• Possess a talented idea-generating mind.
• Eye for details.
• Able to contribute conceptually to the creative development process.
• Self motivated and hardworking with a high degree of perseverance and discipline.
• Able to communicate with all levels of staff and management.
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Please email us your latest CV with full contact details and expected salary to:
Human Resources Manager
E1009B, 9th Floor, Kelana Parkview
No.1 Jalan SS6/2,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Closing Date:11-12-11