Study Subject(s):Membrane Engineering
Course Level:Master
Scholarship Provider: Erasmus Mundus
Scholarship can be taken at: Europe
Hold a Bologna 1 st cycle degree or a bachelor degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bio chemical Engineering, or equivalent degrees in one of the previous domains, from a College, University or Technical School with a recognised standing or alternatively, a recognised professional experience in these areas.
-Students in the final year of a degree may be admitted as long as they present the certificate and official transcripts beforethey enrol
-Students in the process of obtaining their Bachelor degree may apply for admission to EM 3 E.)Applicant should)include)a letter from his/her university stating the anticipated date of completion of the degree.
• Excellent academic background with marks identifying the candidate among the 20% best students of his/her former studies
• Official proof of good English competencies (all courses are conducted in English).
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The Erasmus Mundus Master in Membrane Engineering EM3E will offer an advanced education programme related to membrane science and engineering at the interface between material science and chemical engineering and focused on specific applicative fields. It involves 6 High Education Institutions of 5 European countries: University of Twente (Netherlands), University of Lisboa (Portugal), University of Zaragoza (Spain), Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (Czech Republic), University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) and University Montpellier 2 (France, coordinating organisation). Associated partners are the University of Calabria (Italy), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the University Hassan II of Mohammedia (Morocco). The pedagogical project of Master comes from the closely collaboration between partners through the European Research Network of Excellence NanoMemPro.
How to Apply: By Email
Scholarship Application Deadline: December 15 th 2011