Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology
National Biosafety Authority
Logo Design Competition
The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) was established pursuant to the provisions of the Biosafety Act No 2, and came into operation on 12th February, 2009 with an overarching mandate of exercising general supervision and control over the transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms with a view to ensuring safety of human and animal health as well as the provision of an adequate level of protection of the environment.
NBA is the competent institution of the Government of the Republic of Kenya to regulate all activities involving GMOs in food, feed, research, industry, trade and environmental release.
Vision: A world class biosafety agency
Mission: To ensure safe development, transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms
Core Values: In the implementation of the Authority’s Strategic Plan and achieving its mandate, the Authority is guided by the following core values:
a) Integrity;
b) Professionalism;
c) Transparency;
d) Accountability.
Functions of the National Biosafety Authority
The functions of the NBA as provided for by the Biosafety Act 2009 include:-
a) To consider and determine applications for approval for the transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms(GMOs), and related activities in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
b) To coordinate, monitor and assess activities relating to the safe transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organism in order to ensure that such activities do not have adverse effect on human health and the environment;
c) To co-ordinate research and surveys in matters relating to the safe development, transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms, and to collect, collate and disseminate information about the findings of such research, investigation or survey;
d) To identify national requirements for manpower development and capacity building in biosafety;
e) To advise the Government on legislative and other measures relating to the safe transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms;
f) To Promote awareness and education among the general public in matters relating to biosafety;
g) To establish and maintain a biosafety clearing house to serve as a means through which information is made available facilitate the exchange of scientific, technical, environmental and legal information and experience with, living modified organisms; and
h) Perform any other function which is incidental to the performance of any of the foregoing functions.
Towards the definition of an image and brand for the Authority, NBA wishes to develop a logo for the authority through a competition open to the general public
Interested persons are invited to participate in the competition by designing a logo which best interprets the mandate and functions of the Authority.
The best three entries will be rewarded in Kenya shillings, as indicated here below.
• Best entry 100,000.00
• 1st Runner up 75,000.00
• 2nd Runner up 50,000.00
The following terms and conditions will apply.
1. The competition is open to the general public.
2. Any material, graphic, software or otherwise submitted by the entrant in the competition, shall belong to and remain the property of National Biosafety Authority
3. A panel of experts will be appointed to evaluate the submissions and select the best three entries.
4. The decision by the panel of experts will be final.
5. NBA will communicate the outcome of the competition to all entrants.
Interested persons are invited to express interest which must be delivered to the address below by 22nd November 2011
Permanent Secretary,
Attn: Senior Deputy Director/Supply Chain Management Services
Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology,
Jogoo House B , Harambee Avenue,
9th Floor Room 921,
Nairobi- Kenya