Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program, Canada

Scholarships for Canadian Students Graduating from a Canadian High School or Quebec Cégep, Canada 2012

Study Subject(s): Courses offered by the University
Course Level: Graduate
Scholarship Provider: Toyota Canada and the Toyota Canada Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada

-The Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program will consider candidates who: Are currently in their graduating year or graduated in the last two years from a: Canadian high school; or Quebec Cegep.
-Are entering, for the 2012-2013 academic year, their first year of full-time studies at: An accredited Canadian college or university; or A Quebec accredited collegial institution.
– Are a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident (landed immigrant) or on Refugee Status.
-Have demonstrated outstanding environmental commitment, community service and leadership during the course of their studies.
-Maintain a high level of academic achievement. Are not an employee or immediate family member of an employee of Toyota Canada Inc. and its Dealers, Toyota Canada Foundation, Earth Day Canada or Panasonic Canada Inc.
-Fulfill the requirements of the application package.

Scholarship Open for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: Toyota Canada and the Toyota Canada Foundation in partnership with Earth Day Canada established the Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program to help cultivate and nurture this environmental leadership. The Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program encourages and rewards graduating Canadian high school students who have distinguished themselves through environmental community service, extracurricular and volunteer activities, and academic excellence. To date, Toyota Canada, the Toyota Canada Foundation and Earth Day Canada (EDC) have awarded 140 students with $700 000 in scholarships. The Toyota Earth Day Scholarship is Canada’s best recognized environmental entrance scholarship. Environmental issues are increasingly being tackled through multidisciplinary approaches. Future environmental leaders will therefore come from a broad range of academic backgrounds which is why the Toyota Earth Day Scholarship is offered to students entering their first year of post-secondary studies in the discipline of their choice, to prepare themselves for the career of their choice.

How to Apply: By Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: January 31, 2012

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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