Job Title: Family Planning Results Initiative Field Officer
Department / Project: Family Planning Results Initiative
Supervisor: Program Coordinator
Location / Duty Station: Siaya Office
Ref: FPRI-FO/11/2011
Grade: E- Quartile 1
Job Summary:
CARE USA’s Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health (SRMH) team, in collaboration with USAID, is funding a cohort of projects to design, implement, document and evaluate programs to help demonstrate how changes in social norms contribute to the uptake of family planning.
The overarching goal is increased and sustained use of family planning through integration of social change efforts. This initiative, called the Social Change for Family Planning Results Initiative (the Results Initiative (RI)) is being implemented with teams within the country offices of Ethiopia, Rwanda and Kenya. Family planning activities are being integrated into existing programs, called the anchor program.
In Kenya, the Family Planning Results Initiative has been implemented for two years now, in Siaya district and has been integrated in HIV services specifically, the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, besides other health program interventions.
The program has entered into Phase two and has demonstrated good results during the midterm review, a report of which is available for review.
The Family Planning Results Initiative Field officer will report to the Program coordinator, FPRI in CARE Kenya.
He/She will support roll out of FP interventions , strengthen and consolidate working partnerships with the community units, community health workers and be part of the team that will strengthen the partnerships with the District Health Management teams to ensure that facility based interventions are implemented and sustained after the end of Phase two, while also ensuring the community based structures (Community Units, Community Health Workers and CSO partners) are capacitated to strengthen social change efforts.
The officer shall implement work plans according to approved program strategy, budget and also ensure innovativeness in strengthening social change efforts.
The officer shall ensure to document all activities, results and immediate outputs of the interventions with a view to demonstrate how social change actions efforts challenge social norms and practices that undermine FP use among other health outcome interventions influence uptake of FP services, as well as how they contribute to sustained empowerment of women and girls.
The officer shall be supportive of individual transformation efforts in the social change initiatives, embrace team work and participatory methodologies in all engagements with FPRI staff and external partners.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
1. Coordination of Family Planning Results initiative and integrated HIV, RH and Maternal health activities at facility and community level within geographical coverage allocated.
1.1. Develop work plan based on the approved projects work plan detailing activities to be undertaken, support required from Manager and other team members and implement in collaboration with actors in the projects
1.2. Point person for all FPRI activities in the geographical jurisdiction assigned. The holder will coordinate, identify and mobilize stakeholders who will be collaborators in the implementation of activities, oversee activity roll out, implement and sustain knowledge and demand for services
1.3. Organize forums and create awareness and understanding of the project activities amongst service providers, community own resource persons (CORPS) and communities served through regular meetings.
1.4. Support the manager and acts as the CARE lead in needs assessments undertaken by the project in the area, including those for training needs, facility upgrades and other assessments to be undertaken in the program
1.5. Support the FPRI coordinator and manager in the identification of program priorities for consideration in the work plans as well as for use in fundraising for new initiatives or for continued application
1.6. Liaise with MoH, assist to conduct training needs assessment and identify health workers to be trained from project implementing health facilities.
1.7 Assist in organizing relevant workshops and participate in training.
1.8. Actively participate in the drawing, implementation and supervision of quarterly and annual project implementation plan.
1.9. Identify, train and supervise PET groups in project area ensuring that they offer relevant messages to the communities served.
1.10. Facilitate the establishment and provision of Family planning services in all selected health facilities within project area and formation of support groups.
1.11. Support MoH to ensure effective management of the supply chain for FP commodities to the health facilities so as to minimize service disruptions
1.12. Establish and maintain effective follow-up and linkage system for clients identified, with relevant CBOs and collaborators for other services deemed necessary.
1.13. Oversee the integration of FP services within HIV, RH, Maternal health (MCH) service outlets and other strategic setups in the health facilities and the community
1.14. Facilitate and support formation of support groups, model FP families/couples and lay counselors in their areas of jurisdiction
1.15. Responsible for performance of all indicators for FPRI in the assigned project location.
2. Implementation and supervision of FPRI activities at the health facilities and the community level.
2.1. Oversee the integration of Family Planning education and services within HIV, RH, Maternal Health service outlets and other strategic settings in the health facilities and the community.
2.2. Facilitate training of Community own resource persons (CORPS), opinion leaders, established health facility structures and provincial administration on FP using social analysis and action methodologies
2.3. Support supervision of trained health workers and community Social Analysis and Action (SAA) facilitators in the selected facilities and community catchment to offer quality FP services.
2.4. Promote FP uptake in the community and health facilities through facility based health education talks and social mobilization and sensitization as well as distribution of supplies by program partners
2.5. Oversee the activities of CORPS including CHWs, Lay counselors, CBDs and SAA facilitators.
2.6. Assist in the development of integrated IEC/BCC materials with integrated messages on PMTCT, Maternal Health, FP and HIV prevention messages.
2.7. Facilitate Social Analysis and Action, community and couple dialogues in their areas of operation.
3. Data Management, Analysis and Report writing and Responsible for Performance Management for all program Indicators in geographical area of Operation.
3.1. Training and orientation of MOH staff, Community health workers and other collaborating partners on data requirements for the program FPRI integration at facility and community levels
3.2. Extracting, compiling and analyzing data based on set indicators on a weekly basis and consolidation on monthly basis; and using the data, analyze performance of indicators per facility and division (geographical coverage) to submit timely monthly project activities progress reports to supervisor. Using the data, develop action points and incorporate them in the monthly supervision work plans to address low performance of indicators on a monthly basis.
3.3. Identify and document challenges in implementation that would have negative impact and or undermine the performance of the program, identify solutions and implement actions on timely basis to avert negative performance in consultation with program coordinator, manager and other program team members.
3.4. Documenting information and write reports of all project activities undertaken at least 5 days after implementation, type and share with project Managers and technical officer. Use information generated by the activities to analyze gaps and plan for appropriate mitigation
3.5. Share monthly data on indicator performance to all facilities, discuss and ensure they are aware of the indicators performance and that they are able to identify actions to enhance performance
3.6. Timely respond to all data queries arising from facility and community based indicator performance
3.7. Maintain an updated data base for all beneficiaries in the assigned area of operations.
4. Supervision and management of direct reporting staff.
4.1. Support the programs coordinator and RI manager in development of criteria for selection of community health workers and project stakeholders; and participate in the recruitment of the same
4.2. Undertake supportive supervision of the trained health workers in the selected facilities to offer quality Family planning and integrated services, while mentoring and training community health workers and CORPS to deliver technically correct and quality services for FPRI.
4.3. Support CORPs to develop work plans in line with project targets and deliverables expected and supervise their implementation of the same
4.4. Ensure the health facility staffs are updated on all protocols for guiding them in implementing quality FPRI services and any other health services that CARE will be supporting.
4.5. Ensure that each facility has copies of updated protocols (in hard copy and laminated where possible) and counseling cards and that they are in use
4.6. At least once monthly, undertake data audit supervision to ensure that data is entered correctly
4.7. Developing individual operation plans and supervision plans to enhance focused support to health facilities on Family planning activities within the project area.
4.8. Organize and participate in planned meetings with health workers and service providers for regular feedback.
4.9. Planning with PET groups the performances, oversee, evaluate and give feedback.
5. Ensure proper utilization and maintenance of CARE resources.
5.1. Managing and accounting of project advance in accordance with CARE’s Finance policy.
5.2. Ensure safety and proper use of all CARE property in your possession including motorcycles, vehicles, computers and other equipment.
5.3. Ensure proper utilization and maintenance of CAREs properties and assets and ensure that defects are detected and repaired in a timely manner.
5.4. Familiarize and work within CAREs regulations and policies and adhere to them during implementation of project activities.
6. Linkage and networking with other collaborators.
6.1. Establish and maintain a good working relationship with other CARE colleagues and project staff, MOH, CBOs, collaborators, other stakeholders and enhance CARE image.
6.2. Liaise with GoK, CBOs, collaborators and other stakeholders as appropriate.
6.3. Represent CARE in relevant community development planning meetings.
6.4. Actively participate in joint project sessions convened by the project leadership teams as called from time to time.
6.5. Enhance team work and synergy in programming and CAREs activities.
7. Any other relevant duty duties as assigned by supervisor or management in general
7.1. Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by supervisor or management.
1. Spending Authority: None
2. Supervision: None
3. Indirect: External partners and collaborators
4. Decision Making: on work plan implementation in designated region in consultation with supervisor
Contacts/Key Relationships (Internal & External):
Internal: Member of the FPRI program team
External: Community SAA facilitators and community level facilities and structures that enhance social change for FP use
Working Conditions: Shall be based Siaya office which has a moderate climate
Academic qualifications:
• Kenya Registered Nurse /Community enrolled nurse with a working knowledge of PMTCT, RH, FP or Diploma in Community health and Development / social work.
• At least two (2) years experience in health related work, especially Reproductive Health projects, in an NGO setting.
• Ability to work with minimum supervision
• Good interpersonal and communication skills
• Working knowledge of MS computer packages
• Must have motorcycle riding skills and experience.
The detailed job description can be reviewed on our website;
If you feel you are the right candidate for the advertised position, kindly send your application indicating the reference number and title of the position applied for along with an up-to-date CV with telephone contacts of three professional referees to:
The Human Resources & Development Manager,
CARE International In Kenya,
so as to be received not later than 7th November, 2011.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
CARE is an equal opportunity employer and promotes gender equity.
Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
CARE International in Kenya does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. (Application, interview, meeting, processing, training or any other fees).