USAID FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening Project Call for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Expression of Interests (EOI)

The FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening project is a five-year cooperative agreement (2011-2016), funded by USAID/Kenya and implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Pact Inc., Danya International, and the Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN).

FANIKISHA aims to strengthen the capacity of four- eight national level CSOs to build/strengthen their financial, human resources and management systems, monitoring and evaluation systems, strategic planning skills, leadership and governance skills, and advocacy capacity to play a more strategic role in working with the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders to deliver effective health services at the community level.

Mentored institutional strengthening (IS) sub-grants will be provided to participating CSOs in project year (PY) 1 and 2 while additional sub-grants to strengthen their affiliate institutional capacity and for program implementation will be provided from PY 3.

FANIKISHA now seeks EOI applications from Kenyan CSOs with a national mandate.

The EOI will be used by the independent FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening Committee of Advisors (FCA) to invite prequalified applicants to submit the Technical Institutional Strengthening & FANIKISHA engagement proposal.

For the complete application information and materials i.e. full EOI and Application form along with additional information on method of submission, application address and the prequalification criteria, send an email to: copying with subject heading: Request for Full EOI and Application Form – (Name of CSO).

This EOI announcement will remain open until the submission deadline of 8.00 a.m. 21st November, 2011

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