Office of the Vice President Senior Support Staff, Housekeeper / Cateress, Clerical Officers, Security Wardens, Drivers and Artisans 577 Kenyan Jobs Vacancies in Kenya

Republic of Kenya
Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Home Affairs


Applicants are invited from suitably qualified Kenyans for the following vacancies:

1. Senior Support Staff III
Job Group ‘D”,
Eighty Three (83) Posts
Advert No. OVP/MOHA 3/2011
Salary Scale: KShs. 8,819x 438 – 9,257 x464 – 9,721 p.m.

Terms of Service: Temporary

A. Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade a candidate must be in possession of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade ‘D’ plain or Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) Division IV.

B. Duties and Responsibilities
Successful candidates will be deployed in any of the station within the Ministry and assignments will include:- Carrying out cleaning and messengerial duties as instructed.

2. Housekeeper / Cateress III
Job Group ‘H”, Seven
7 Posts
Advert No. OVP/MOHA 4/2011
Salary Scale: KShs.16, 692 X 835 – 17,527 X 876 – 18,403 X 920 – 19,323 X 966 – 20,289 P.M.
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

A. Requirements for Appointment
For the appointment to the grade of Housekeeper/Cateress III, a candidate must;
• Be in possession of at least the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C plain or Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) Division III with grade C- in English, Mathematics, Biology and either Science or Physical Science; and
• Have successfully completed a two year pre-service training at the Kenya Polytechnic or any recognized institution and have been awarded a Diploma in Institutional Management.

B. Duties and Responsibilities
Work at this level involves management of catering services in a medium size catering /housekeeping facility or institution by ensuring efficient and proper organization and management of catering services, laundry management, maintenance of furniture and linen,
control of stock and inventory and overall supervision of catering and housekeeping services in the Kitchens/dining halls and the hostel(s) respectively.

3. Clerical Officer II
Job Group ‘F”
Four Twenty Eight (428)
Advert No. OVP/MOHA 5/2011
Salary Scale: Kshs. 10,717 X 537 – 11,254 X 563 – 11,817 X 599- 12,416 P.M.
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

A. Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must be in possession of:
• Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C- (minus) or its approved equivalent; and
• Proficiency in computer applications will be an added advantage.

B. Duties and Responsibilities
Work at this level will be carried out under close supervision and guidance of a more senior officer and will be subject to regular checks and verification. Officers at this level will be deployed
in the HRM Unit, General Registry, Supplies, Accounts office or General office services.

Specific duties will include compiling statistical records; sorting, filing and dispatching letters; maintaining an efficient filing system; processing appointments, promotions; discipline, transfers and other related duties in Human Resource Management; computation of financial or statistical records based on routine or special sources of information; preparing payment vouchers; compiling data and drafting simple letters.

4. Security Wardens II
Job Group ‘E”
Twenty Four (24) Posts
Advert No. OVP/MOHA 6/2011
Salary Scale: Kshs. 9,721 X 486- 10,207 X 510 -10,717 X 537- 11,254 P.M.
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

A. Requirements for Appointment
• For appointment to this grade, candidate must be in possession of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D+.
• Be less than 36 years of age; and
• Be physically and mentally fit.
• Be in possession of a valid certificate of good conduct from the Kenya Police.

B. Duties and Responsibilities
Before deployment, direct entrants will undergo three (3) months initial training as Security Warden II and on successful completion of their training, duties and responsibilities will involve patrol and/or guard of access points; detention of unauthorized persons and vehicle from entering premises and/or protected areas; and also be able to control crowds and collect information and report on matters of security interest.

5. Driver III
Job Group ‘D”
Thirty One (31) Posts
Advert No. OVP/MOHA 7/2011
Salary Scale: Kshs. 8,819X 438 – 9,257 X464 – 9,721 P.M.
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

A. Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
• Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D plain or Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) Division IV.
• A valid driving license free from any current endorsement(s) for class(es) of vehicle(s) an officer is required to drive;
• Attended a First-Aid Certificate Course lasting not less than one (1) week at St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized institution;
• Passed Suitability Test for Driver Grade III;
• Shortlisted candidates will be required to pass a practical test for drivers conducted by the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Ministry of Public Works.
• Be in possession of a valid certificate of good conduct from the Kenya Police.

B. Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve driving a motor vehicle as authorized; carrying out routine checks on the vehicle’s cooling, oil, electrical and brake systems, tyre pressure, etc; detecting and reporting malfunctioning of vehicle systems; maintenance of work tickets for vehicles assigned; ensuring security and safety for the vehicle on and off the road; safety of the passengers and/or goods therein; and maintain cleanliness of the vehicle.

6. Artisan II
Job Group ‘F”
Four (4) Posts
Advert No. OVP/MOHA 8/2011
Salary Scale: Kshs.10,717 X 537 –11,254 X 563- 11,817 X 599 – 12,416 P.M.
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

A. Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-
• Served as an Artisan in the specific area of specialization (Carpentry, Masonry, Tailoring and Painting) for at least three (3) years.
• Trade Test certificate II and
• Proof of experience.

A. Duties and Responsibilities
Work at this level will involve deployment in areas of specialization relating to Carpentry, Masonry, Painting and Tailoring.

Interested applicants for the above posts are requested to complete two (2) copies of PSC 2 (Revised 2007) form and send it directly to this office enclosing copies of their academic and professional certificates, testimonials, detailed current curriculum vitae indicating working experience, identity card, both official telephone and mobile numbers, e-mail and postal addresses to the address shown below.

Completed application forms should be addressed and sent to:-

The Permanent Secretary,
Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Home Affairs,
Jogoo House ‘A’,
P. O. Box 30478,

So as to reach the Ministry on or before 17th November, 2011.

Please Note:
• PSC 2 forms are obtained (Free of Charge) from any Government office and may also be down loaded from the Public Service Commission (K) website:
• Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
• Hand delivered applications should be submitted at the Ministry Headquarters, Jogoo House ‘A’, 3rd Floor, Room 344.

Ludeki Chweya, PhD, CBS
Permanent Secretary

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