Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) Executive Director Job Vacancy in Kenya

Applications are invited from qualified citizens of East Africa for the following position in the East African Community Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA).

Eligible applicants for this position are from Uganda, Kenya, Burundi and Rwanda only.

Executive Director
Ref: CAS/HR/2011/001
Grade: D1
Reports to: Board of CASSOA

Main purpose of the Job: To manage and coordinate the development of the civil aviation safety and security infrastructure in the East African Community.

Duties and Responsibilities
As the chief executive officer of the Agency, the Executive Director shall be responsible for the overall management and administration of the Agency. Detailed job specification is available at the website provided below.

Qualification and Experience:
• A Masters degree in a relevant field of aviation and or management with at least 10 years hands on experience in aviation related activities at a managerial level
• Should have demonstrable knowledge of the aviation industry and competency in management and institution building
• Proven track record in working in a similar field
• Must be computer literate
• Should be fluent in English language, French and Kiswahili will be an added advantage

Skills and Competences
• Excellent communication and report writing skills
• Ability to work as a team leader and to motivate others
• Ability to work under pressure and to deliver on the set guidelines

Age: Not more than 55 years by 1st June 2012

Interested candidates are advised to read the detailed job description of this position on or

Terms and Conditions of Service:
This is an established position within the CASSOA organization structure which has a non renewable tenable contract term of five (5) years.

The Executive Director will be appointed by the East African Community Council of Ministers upon recommendation by the CASSOA Board of Directors.

Salary and Fringe Benefits: The established position offers a competitive salary and attractive fringe benefits including house allowance, transport allowance, education allowance, a medical scheme and insurance cover.

How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their applications to be received not later than November 18, 2011 quoting the reference number of the position applied for by registered mail, courier, email (all soft copies should be in MS Word or Acrobat) and dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, copies of both academic and professional certificates and testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, and day time telephone/cell phone numbers to:

The Executive Director,
Plot 41/43 Circular Road,
P.O Box 873,
Entebbe, Uganda


Please do not send multiple applications!

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