Roads 2000 Logo and Motto Design Competition

The Ministry of Roads, through the Kenya Roads Board (KRB), Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA), Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) and the Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) is finalizing the Roads 2000 Strategic Plan for the period 2010- 2017.

The Strategic Plan is being developed with support from the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Roads 2000 Strategy is an approach to road construction, maintenance and management, that ensures optimum utilisation and development of locally available resources wherever they are technically and economically feasible and in a socially responsive and environmentally sustainable manner.

The local resources include labour, construction materials, contractors and consultants.

A more detailed description of the Roads 2000 Strategy can be obtained from the KRB’s offices located in the address given at the end of this advert. The description can also be viewed and downloaded from KRB’s website ( This advert is also available and can be downloaded from the same website.

Towards the definition of an image and brand for the Roads 2000 Strategy, Kenya Roads Board wishes to develop a logo and motto for the Roads 2000 Strategy, through a competition open to the general public.

Interested persons are invited to participate in the competition by designing a logo and a motto which best interpret the Roads 2000 Strategy. The motto should be limited to four words.

The competition will be open from 19th October 2011 to 15th November 2011.

The best three entries will be rewarded in Kenya shillings, as indicated here below.

– Best entry 100,000.00

– 1st Runner up 75,000.00

– 2nd Runner up 50,000.00

The following terms and conditions will apply
1. The competition is open to the general public
2. Any material, graphic, software or otherwise submitted by the entrant in the competition, shall belong to and remain the property of the Kenya Roads Board.
3. A panel of experts will be appointed to evaluate the submissions and select the best three entries
4. The decision by the panel of experts will be final
5. KRB will communicate the outcome of the competition to all entrants.

The logo and motto design shall be enclosed in a plain sealed envelope, marked “COMPETITION FOR LOGO AND MOTFO DESIGN FOR ROADS 2000 STRATEGY – DO NOT OPEN BEFORE OPENING DAY” and be posted, submitted or delivered to:

Executive Director.
Kenya Roads Board,
3rd Floor. Kenya Re Towers,
Off Ragati Road,
P.O. Box 73718-00200,

Or deposited in the Tender box situated on 3rd floor, Kenya Re Towers so as to be received on or before 15 November, 2011 at 12.00 noon.

The competition documents will be opened in public on the same day immediately after the closing time in the Boardroom of Kenya Roads Board, 3 Floor, Kenya Re Towers and competitors who wish to witness the opening are welcome to do so.

The students from local Universities who submitted their designs earlier can submit new designs.

The designs submitted earlier will be considered together with the new entries.

Dr. Francis N Nyangaga, 0GW
Executive Director

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