Roads Authority Executive Director Job Vacancy in South Sudan

Republic of South Sudan
Ministry of Roads and Bridges
South Sudan Roads Authority
Vacancy Announcement

Position of Executive Director South Sudan Roads Authority

The Southern Sudan Roads Authority Act, 2011 establishes the South Sudan Roads Authority (SSRA) as an autonomous body corporate.

The Act stipulates that the SSRA ‘shall have responsibility for the management, development, rehabilitation and maintenance of all Inter-state and International roads in South Sudan and road development in war – affected areas as may be directed by the Minister’ responsible for Roads.

In line with the provisions of the above mentioned Act, the Executive Management of the SSRA shall be headed by an Executive Director to be appointed by a resolution of the Council of Ministers upon the recommendation of the Minister of Roads and Bridges.

Objective of the Position
The Executive Director shall head the management team and be responsible for the financial, administrative and overall performance of the SSRA.

The overall objective of this position is to ensure proper and effective management of the SSRA in line with internationally accepted standards and to ensure maximum resource utilization and delivery of quality service to the people of South Sudan.

A well developed road network is crucial for the economic development of South Sudan, therefore SSRA has the responsibility to plan, develop and maintain the road network in accordance with the Act. Prudent management of activities and functions of SSRA, is therefore required.

The Executive Director shall be assisted by a team of Heads of Directorates for the effective discharge of this responsibility.

Description of the Position
The Executive Director shall be a person of high moral character and proven integrity, with the relevant qualifications and work experience relating to the functions of the Authority. The holder of this post is the most senior executive of the Authority and is responsible for providing leadership and managerial direction.

The Executive Director will report directly to the Board, and will also be an ex officio member of Board. The SSRA has been established to operate in accordance with sound commercial principles to facilitate effective and efficient predictable road plans and expenditure on road development and maintenance activities. This implies that the Executive Director shall manage SSRA in a businesslike manner.

Key Duties and Responsibilities for the Position of Executive Director
The Executive Director will be under the general supervision of the Board and shall be the Accounting Officer of SSRA. The job holder will be accountable for the overall performance of SSRA.

The job holder will be responsible for the overall supervision and guidance of the SSRA. In specific terms, be accountable for the overall administrative, financial and technical operations with authority to propel the performance of SSRA, including but not limited to:

(a) representing the Authority in official functions and occasions, in South Sudan, nationally, regionally and internationally;
(b) initiating policies and framework documents of the Authority;
(c) overseeing the use of the funds of the Authority;
(d) providing periodic reports to the Board and to the Minister;
(e) appointing, within budget limitations, the officers and support staff of the Authority;
(f) initiating internal policies and procedures including job-descriptions of the staff and the organizational chart referred to in section18 of the Act;
(g) monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Authority;
(h) the development of an operating plan to guide the Authority in achieving its objectives;
(i) the development of an economic, efficient and cost effective internal management structure;
(j) proposing and implementing the strategic plan, business plan and annual plan of the Authority;
(k) providing advice as required on all matters within the Authority’s responsibility;
(l) performing any other such duties appropriate and necessary for the implementation of the provision of the Act as may be assigned to him by the Board, and,
(m) performing any other such functions and duties as may be prescribed by any other law furthering the interests of SSRA.

Person Specifications
The candidate shall be a citizen of South Sudan, and shall be of high moral reputation and integrity and shall fulfill the eligibility requirements for Board membership. He/she shall possess the following qualifications and attributes:

1. Must possess a Degree in Civil Engineering or its equivalent obtained from a reputable and recognized institution of higher learning.
2. Must be registered with the statutory body responsible for registration of engineers in South Sudan, as a registered engineer in the field of highways engineering or other acceptable / recognized body, and should be a member of the South Sudan Engineering Council or another acceptable institution or other internationally accredited institution.
3. Should have at least fifteen years of experience in the field of Road and Highway engineering.
4. A Post-graduate qualification in finance or business administration or management or a similar discipline obtained from a reputable and recognized institution of higher learning is an added advantage.
5. Should have held a senior managerial position with excellent and proven managerial record of not less than 5 years; managing highly professional Government or private reputable organizations.
6. Transport sector experience with emphasis on the road sub-sector and a broad appreciation of road development, project management, maintenance techniques and technologies is desirable.
7. Should have strategic focus attributes, with the ability to rise above detail, to appreciate overall patterns, assess values and see trends, patterns as demonstrated in business operations.
8. Have management experience, including liaison with, communicating to, consulting with and influencing stakeholders in order to attain set strategic objectives.
9. A good working knowledge of up to date financial and organizational management processes is desirable.
10. Demonstrated experience in setting up a credible public or private enterprise including developing and describing the future vision in a way that encourages and motivates staff to be focused on strategic objectives will be a significant advantage.
11. Integrity and strong ethical standards. To lead by example in order to professionally evolve and develop the South Sudan Roads Authority into a strong and sustainable entity.
12. Ability to develop and lead effective teams through change and transition including appreciation and good understanding of the work environment and trends, organizational performance and the political and regulatory climate.
13. Able to develop and maintain strong relationships with Government Ministries and agencies and key stakeholders in the industry while promoting a climate of innovation, change and adaptation.
14. Consults and encourages sharing of information within a team environment and across functional areas and able to delegate decision making where appropriate, ensuring that staff have the capability and knowledge to make sound decisions.

Duration of Engagement:
Three (3) year employment contract, renewable based on performance.

Attractive Remuneration package.

Mode of Applying for the Position of Executive Director

In order to apply for this position, the applicant is required to submit the following:
1. Application for the position;
2. A statement of motivation, not exceeding three (3) pages, A4, justifying why the applicant thinks he or she is the best candidate for the position;
3. A detailed curriculum vitae,
4. A capability statement – indicating the technical understating of the Terms of Reference for the position, the working experience, attainments and providing evidence of the attributes indicated in the Person specifications,
5. Provide names, address and telephone contacts of three competent referees, one of them should be the current or most recent employer.
6. Copies of academic/professional certificates and transcripts.

The above documents constitute the application for the position of Executive Director and the applicant is required to endorse each page of the document(s) to be submitted.

Applications by e-mail are admissible provided they are in PDF format.

E-mail applications should be addressed to:

Candidates submitting hard copies of the application, should send one original and two photocopies, sealed in one envelope, marked “Application for the Position of Executive Director – South Sudan Roads Authority”, addressed to and delivered by hand or courier to:

The Undersecretary,
Ministry of Roads and Bridges
Ministries Complex
Government of South Sudan
Juba, South Sudan
Attention: Ms. Joan Alice,
Head of Legal Administration,
Ministry of Roads and Bridges

The closing date for receiving applications is Monday, 7 November 2011 at 5.00 p.m. local time.

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