Catering & Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CTDLT) 8 Management Trainees Jobs Vacancies in Kenya

Recruitment of Management Trainees
Eight (8) Positions

Catering & Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CTDLT), a State Corporation established under the Hotels & Restaurants Act Cap 494, Laws of Kenya and with the core mandates of Collecting, controlling and administering the Training and Tourism Development Levy Fund and Establishing and Developing National Standards for Testing skills required in the Tourism industry, wishes to recruit Management Trainees from the Marginalized, Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASAL) regions.

Key Qualifications
• A good first degree in the following fields: Human Resource Management & Administration, Communication, Procurement.
• Age 25 -30 years.
• Excellent Computer Skills MS Suite.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills.
• Ability to work as a team member.

The Management Trainees will undergo on-the-job training in their specified areas of specialization for a period of one year (12 Months).

Upon satisfactory performance; they will be absorbed in employment at CTDLT job Group 8.

Qualified and interested candidates from the stated areas should submit their applications together with their detailed curriculum vitae, copies of Academic and Professional certificates as well as testimonials, copy of National identity card or Passport, three referees and day time contacts.

Qualified Persons with disabilities (PWDS) are especially encouraged to apply.

The application should be addressed to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Catering & Tourism Development Levy Trustees
NHIF, Parking Complex
5th Floor – Ragati Road, Upper Hill,
P.O. Box 46987 -00100 GPO, Nairobi Kenya

Not later than 5.00p.m. Tuesday 25th October, 2011

Only Shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

CTDLT is an equal opportunity employer.

CTDLT IS ISO 9001 :2008 Certified

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