Permaculture Educator and Project Coordinator Job Vacancy in Kenya

Permaculture Research Institute of Kenya (PRI-Kenya)
Permaculture Educator and Project Coordinator

PRI-Kenya ¡s a new organisation specializing in climate change adaptation, food security and environmental education through permaculture training, technical support and knowledge sharing.

The organisation urgently needs a certified Permaculture Designer / Trainer to take up the role of Permaculture Educator and Project Coordinator.

Person Specification:

• Masters degree in Development Studies, Environmental or Social Science or related subject.
• Permaculture Design Certificate and Permaculture Teacher Trainer Certificate.
• Proven experience working with permaculture designs! trainer to a broad audience.
• Minimum five years experience working with community based development projects in a developing country context.
• A good understanding of development issues, especially related to climate change adaptation, food security and environmental issues in East Africa.
• Proven experience working with project development and development of training programmes.
• Research and writing skills with excellent written and spoken English
• Confident and proficient use of MS Office and wordpress.
• An understanding and commitment to, the ethics and principles of permaculture, and those of the Permaculture Research Institute of Kenya.
• Fluency ¡n Swahili and/or other East African languages is desirable

If you meet the above requirements, please send your application together with detailed CV, indicating your current salary, expected salary, copies of certificates, testimonials and contacts of at least three referees and daytime telephone contacts by 21st October 2011 to:

The Chairman,
Permaculture Research Institute of Kenya,
P.O. Box 21341 – 00505, Nairobi.


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