– Rehabilitation of Gataab Spring well and distribution network in Mt Kulal village;
– Construction of a drinking water abstraction point from an existing sand dam and distribution system in Illeret village
Terms of Reference
Country: Kenya
Location: North Horr and Chalbi District
Starting date: 13th October 2011
Duration: The task is expected approximately 15 days
Under responsibility of: Deputy Country Director for Kenya
Funding Sources: European Commission
Presentation of Solidarités
Solidarités International is an international humanitarian organization which provides assistance to populations affected by natural disaster or man-made crisis.
For over 30 years, Solidarités International has concentrated its actions on meeting three vital needs: Water, Food and Shelter. In the Horn of Africa, Solidarites International is currently implementing Food Security, Water and Sanitation projects in Somalia and Kenya.
Solidarites International has 2 areas of intervention in Kenya (Northern Marsabit and Nairobi informal settlements) and 3 areas of intervention in Somalia (Gedo, Lover Juba and Adaado). This consultancy focuses exclusively on North Horr program.
Purposes of the evaluation
SI has implemented DFID funded emergency and drought recovery project in North Horr District in 2008 and has a current project ending in October 2011.
The focus has been to improve access to quantity and quality of water, sanitation/hygiene practices and food security for the target beneficiaries. Under European Commission funding Solidarites is implementing a WASH project in North Horr and Chalbi Districts in Northern Marsabit Region.
This technical assessment is a follow up to a general assessment conducted in 2009/2010 whose findings proposed rehabilitation and construction of two water systems in Gataab and Illeret villages.
The technical assessment will assess viability, recommend viable rehabilitation and construction works and provide detailed technical designs and bill of quantities in provision of safe water to the target population.
Please note that; there is an existing spring distribution system in Gataab village that is not serving to its full capacity and requires rehabilitation and expansion. On the other hand, there is an existing sand dam in Illeret village that requires construction of an abstraction point and distribution network.
SI proposes to contract a consultant to undertake a detailed technical assessment of these water distribution systems and recommend viable rehabilitation and construction works of the system with an aim of increasing communities’ access to safe water and in reducing the distances covered by the population.
As indication, the budget for these rehabilitation/construction is at the level of approximately 5.0M Ksh for Gatab system, and 5.5M Ksh for Illeret.
The main objectives are:
• Context analysis, assessment of water sources, distribution network system, storage tanks, livestock troughs and drainage system of Gataab spring well and Illeret water abstraction
• Propose viable rehabilitation/construction and distribution network works in provision of safe water to the target population
• Provide detailed technical designs and bill of quantities for Gataab spring well and for Illeret abstraction system
• Provide appropriate technical design in provision of safe water to the target population in Gaatab and Illeret villages
Scope and focus
• Travel to Mt Kulal (Gataab village) and Illeret village for a period not less than 10 days to carry out a detailed technical assessment and topographical survey on the mentioned water sources and on the distribution network
• Assess the physical status of Gataab spring well and Illeret sand dam and propose viable rehabilitation/ construction of an abstraction point/distribution network in provision of safe water to the target population
• Asses the depth, water column levels and test water source yield of Gaatab spring well and Illeret sand dam (trial pits)
• Provide tools and equipment and test the yield of the spring well and of the sand dam by developing trial pits
• Based on the outcome of the above yield tests recommend viable rehabilitation and construction works on the water source point and on the distribution network in link with the target population water demand
• Develop and provide detailed water point and distribution network designs and detailed bill of quantities of all the required construction materials for the rehabilitation and construction works (water source, distribution network, storage tanks, livestock troughs, drainage system)
• Suggest suitable reticulation system, distribution points and storage facilities for both systems (General assessment proposed 2 x 70M3 storage tank for Gataab spring well)
• Conduct topographical survey for the two distribution systems and calculate the heights and expected yield at suggested water distribution points (to be factored in the size and quality of water pipes recommended in the bill of quantities)
• Provide technical details on the reticulation system including, distances, distribution points, storage facilities/capacity, livestock troughs and drainage system required for each water system
• Assess existing water user community management systems and suggest capacity building activities needed for ownership and sustainability of the water system
Evaluation process and methods
• Further discussions on the methodology on the technical assessment to be discussed and agreed with Solidarites WASH Project Manager and Field Coordinator on ground in North Horr before start of the assessment
Secondary data:
• Gather secondary data on the mentioned water systems from Ministry of water offices in Masarbit town, Chalbi and North Horr District Government offices(With assistance of Solidarites Field Coordinator +WASH Project manager North Horr)
Primary data:
• Conduct meetings with SI field teams/ local leaders and existing community water management committees in Gataab and Illeret villages/water source (Establish land issues in pipe network)
• Site visits to Gataab and Illeret water source points to conduct topographical survey and technical assessment of the water systems
• Technical assessment of water distribution systems – Rehabilitation of Gataab spring well/distribution network and construction of Abstraction water point and distribution network system from Illeret sand dam
• Type of assessment : Status- Physical conditions of the water source, distribution network, storage tanks, livestock troughs and drainage systems; Water source yield test (At source and at distribution points expected in both dry and rain season); Assess existing water distribution on site –water source point, storage tanks capacity, troughs , piping system, and pumping equipment, model and pump head capacity if available
• Conduct water yield test and provide results at source and at different proposed distribution points
• Developed detailed technical design , bill of quantities and recommend viable rehabilitation and construction works required for the water systems in Gataab and Illeret villages
• Interview target beneficiary/business community to establish availability of supplies including construction materials and O$M spare parts supply chain for the systems
• Interview target beneficiaries and propose possible community contribution for ownership and sustainability of the water systems
Procedures and logistics
• The consultant must comply with Solidarites’ rules and procedures related to security when in the field
• Accommodation and transport to and from Nairobi and in the field will be provided and organised by SI’s Field Coordinator and manager in North Horr. The consultant will cover all other living costs including food and water
• Consultant will provide tools and equipment required for topographical survey, trial pits on the sand dam and yield test for Gataab spring well and Illeret water abstraction system
• A technical assessment report (Maximum 30 pages) detailing the findings and technical suggestion on rehabilitation and construction works on water points, distribution network, storage tanks, livestock troughs and drainage systems for both Gataab spring well and Illeret abstraction system
• Yield test results, distances, storage points /capacity of tanks and distribution points for Gataab spring well and from trial pits in Illeret sand dam
• Provide detailed technical designs and bill of quantities for rehabilitation and construction works of Gataab spring well and Illeret water abstraction system
• Provide a map and photographs of assessed water distribution systems and recommended sites
• In addition provide a table with summary of key technical findings and recommendations for the water distribution systems (see table attached)
Note: The quality of the methodology used, technical data collected ,analysis done and reporting is paramount and sub-standard reporting will not be accepted
Qualification of the consultant
• University degree in structural, civil or water engineering
• At least 3 years proven experience on similar works (water distribution systems)
• Experience in working with NGOs on similar works
• Good understanding of community ethics and proven integrity and professionalism
How to apply
Please send your proposal, highlighting the following:
• A brief introduction of bidding firm or person attaching relevant CVs
• Your understanding of the Terms of Reference
• Proposed methodology and approach
• Proposed work plan and budget
• Your availability
All relevant information (CV, cover letter, copies of testimonials, certificate of works and 3 contact references) should be sent to info@solidarites-kenya-som.org before COB 6th October 2011.
Please indicate the consultancy you are applying for in the title of your email.
Only short-listed applications will be contacted.