Have you ever thought about hosting your own radio show? If you have any experience with offline radio then you already know that it can be very expensive. Now you can have your own free radio show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com.
People of all interest groups are hosting free radio shows at blogtalkradio.com. You just sign up for an account and follow some instructions to get started. When you are ready to do your show you just call into a phone number that BlogTalkRadio gives you and sign in to your “switchboard”.
The radio shows are free for people to listen to but you can make money advertising products on your show or obtaining sponsors. Blogtalkradio seems to make their money through Google Adsense, Amazon and other advertising programs.
A radio show would be a great extension of your existing business and could be can excellent way of providing premium content to your customers or clients. Or you may even want to pursue this idea as a complete business plan itself. Either way, I think this is definitely an idea worth trying because it is free to start and offers a great deal of potential in attracting new customers and broadening your business.