How To Avoid Webmasters Unfortunate Misconception That Visitors Will Come Just Because They Built Websites

Allow me to be brutally honest here, just because you build quality sites optimized for the search engines and monetized for profit, does not guarantee you will make one single red cent from them.

After all, getting a decent ranking with the search engines does take time and if you want to see a paycheque now, then you will need to do a little “promotion” work. Really solely on the search engines is an extremely gigantic mistake. Especially when there are so many low and no cost promotion strategies you can implement today, so you can start seeing traffic, clicks and sales immediately.

Let’s look at the most effective ones

1. Submit Articles
An excellent free promotion strategy I personally use it to write quality articles related to the topic of your site, then submit them ezine publishers, site/blog owners, and article directories.

It is a “win-win” situation as the publisher gets original content to send to their and/or visitors, and you get some free exposure for your sites. Just be sure to include your “resource box” and require that the article is published “as-is” with your credential attached. Any reputable marketer will adhere to your policies.

With a little research, you can find a list of potential ezine publishers and article directories by searching Google:

Hint: Search Google for your keywords to discover who the top websites are in your niche (they will be on the first page), then submit your article for them to publish on their sites. This will not only give you an excellent stream of traffic for years to come, but the link pointing back to your site is nice to have especially if they hold the first few spot.

2. Participate In Forums
Another great promotion strategy that is been proven to work and that you can implement right away is to post on ‘forums and message boards’ related to your niche. Most will let you include a “sig file” or resource box at the end of your post where you can put a brief description of your site and the web address.

The more time you spend participating in the forums, the most exposure you will receive. Certain topics and post will generate more exposure other that others. After a while you will get a feel for what attract the most attention.

The trick is not to blatantly advertise in your post, but to provide the reader with real help and get value. Do this and you will be surprised how much traffic you can get.

A quick search on Google will return tons of forums you can participate in. Just search for the main topic or niche plus the word “forums” attached. For instance “marketing forums”, “health forums”, “golf forums”, etc.

3. Create A Blog
Wanna get wildly known as the “go to guy or gal” in your niche? Then without doubt, publish a blog
If you are following my advice and building numerous, content-based websites then you are going to need a place to centralize your activities, and that is where a blog comes to play.

Not only that, but blogging is one of the best ways to become really popular on the internet, branding you as an expert. Smart Webmasters are using blogs to promote their websites, review products, establish better customer relations, and ultimately make more money.

4. Syndicate you content
Unless you have been living under a virtual rock, you have no doubt heart about the awesome power of “RSS” and how by publishing your own RSS feeds, you can literally send your traffic through the roof overnight.

RSS is ideal for collecting and sharing “frequently updated” information and is literally taking over the web in terms of how we communicate. In the midst of this “blogging craze”, Webmasters are forgetting all about the goldmine of content they have either already created, or are planning on creating for their websites, and are leaving it to collect digital cyber dust. But what if they could convert their static HTML content into profitable RSS feeds that can be imported into any website and syndicated across the globe just like the biggest, multi-million dollar media companies do.

This of course would mean more exposure, more incoming links and more traffic with no additional effort.

5. Join social networking sites
Another promotion strategy that goes hand in hand with blogging is Social Networking. Sites like MySpace, Facebook, MyBlogLog, Digg, StumbleUpon and more are popping up everywhere, allowing users the opportunity to build groups of “friends” they can network and communicate to. I have found this to be a pretty quick way to generate traffic and sales, and I must say it is fun too.

6. Get free publicity
This promotion strategy has more potential that all the others I have mentioned so far combined. It involves submitting worthy articles and information to related media outlets such as:
• Magazines
• Newspapers
• Radio Stations
• TV stations

This type of media is always looking for existing news or content, so why not you provide it to them? Just imagine having one of your articles published in a major magazine? Countless millionaires have been created overnight using this method.

Fortunately there is a ton of free information available on how to get media publicity by searching Google for ‘how to get free publicity’, ‘get free publicity for my website’, ‘free TV publicity’, etc.

7. Publish an E-report or E-book
I have saved the best for last. By publishing your own digital reports and ebooks, you really become the noted authority on your chosen subject. Not to mention, this is a simple, well-proven formula for promoting almost anything online, with minimal cost and effort required on your part.

Creating your report is not as hard as you might think either, and can be as easy as taking 5-10 private label articles, rewriting them a bit, then compiling them one by one into a readable format inside your word processor. The trick is then turning them into a “PDF document” then can be distributed all over the web.

Simply create your ebook using any text editor or word processor, then load it into a PDF format. Wanna create brandable reports and give other an amazing incentive to pass them on to others by including their website address inside your report?

This is what is known as viral marketing, a simple but highly effective strategy that is already been used and proven to work countless times to generate massive traffic and sales for all sorts of products and services online.

Here is how it works:
• Create (or acquire the private label right to) a high quality ebook or special report that promotes your products, websites and offers.
• Allow others to easily brand it with their website url, autoresponder address, affiliate links(s), etc.
• Give it away or sell it with “Resale/Branding Right” included, then hold on tight you new, customized ebook is about to spread like MAD VIRUS.

The key obviously is being able to create quality material and convert it into a “brandable” format that others can easily customize with their affiliate IDs and/or links

Regardless of whether or not you offer products with “branding rights”, Do publish your e-reports, as this is a sure-fire method for attracting unlimited hoards of highly targeted visitors for any niche market.

Final thoughts
At this point you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, but don’t sweat it. You can go at your own pace. Best thing I can recommend is to work on mastering one of these promotion strategies, then move on to the second and so forth.

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