7 Quick And Easy Ways To Make Money Online

Like a lot of other people on the internet you may be looking for ways to supplement your income by making extra money online. However, your amount of available time may be limited due to your jobs, family or other responsibilities. In this article, I am going to share with you seven quick and easy ways to make money online by spending just a few hours each week on your online business.

1. Make money online with video sharing site – With YouTube selling for $1.6 Billion, it is no wonder that there are video sharing sites popping up all the time. Several versions of video sharing scripts are already available or you can get your own programmer to create a site to allow you start your own video sharing site. Rather than just creating more of the same you stand out from the crowd by creating a site for niche markets that would like to share videos. You could monetize your site with advertising that goes directly to the interest of your specific niche group.

2. Make money online with a gaming site – Online gaming is one of the hottest and most profitable niches online today. Millions of people of all ages love games of all sorts; not just sports or animated games. Some people like word and number games, strategic games like chess or even card games like Blackjack or Solitaire. There are affiliate programs and gaming sites scripts available to help you capitalize on the online gaming frenzy.

3. Make money online writing articles – One of the most popular ways to make money online is by writing articles. With the high demand for original content in order to rank well on the major search engines, blog and website owners are willing to pay top dollars to good writers who can provide fresh articles on a regular basis. If you are a good writer then you may want to consider this lucrative income opportunity.

4. Make money online with a niche forum – Creating a niche forum is a great way to assemble a community of likeminded people. Niche forums appeal to thousands of people who want to network and socialize with other people who share their interests. As a forum owner you automatically have a mailing list that you can advertise to and have a great monthly income.

5. Make money online with celebrity blogs – It seems like now than ever before we live in a celebrity driven culture. Pop stars have infiltrated even mainstream news channels and popular magazines. Celebrity culture represents a huge marketing opportunity that you can easily cash in on. You could set up a network of maybe five to six celebrity blogs with the latest information about your chosen celebrities. Link all blogs to each other to drive traffic to each one. You will make money by monetizing your blogs with affiliate links that appeal to your audience.

6. Make money online as a joint venture broker – A joint venture broker is an agent who brings product owners together with the right marketers with large lists to advertise the product to. The JV broker earns a percentage of the sales for making it all happen. Some internet marketers specialize in brokering these types of deals all the time and report earning very huge income by acting as the middleman in these ventures.

7. Make money online with a local tourist site – If you live in or near a tourist area then this could be a great money making opportunity for you without requiring a big investment of your time. Just set up a simple website with information about your local area. Your site should make it easy for tourists to plan a trip to your area or find their way around once they arrive. Helpful features would be links to airports, hotels, restaurants, tourists’ attractions and public transportation. You could make money from affiliate programs or selling ads space to local businesses.

These are all ways that can make good income online without having to spend a lot of time or money to get started. Try any of these simple ideas to increase you cash flow without overloading your already busy schedule.

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