The Sims Scholarship in Science and Technology, Canada

Scholarship for Full-time undergraduate students entering Year 2 of an honours program in Science, Physical Geography, Mathematics or Computing and Computer Electronics at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada .
Study Subject(s):Science, Physical Geography, Mathematics or Computing and Computer Electronics
Course Level: honours
Scholarship Provider: Sims family
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada

-Full-time undergraduate students entering Year 2 of an honours program in science, physical geography, mathematics or computing and computer electronics;
-preference given to female candidates;
-must display leadership abilities; good academic standing;
-strong consideration will be given to positive evidence of leadership and contributions to university or community life

Scholarship Open for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: Endowed scholarship; established by the Sims family to encourage young women to continue their studies in science and mathematics

How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 17 October 2011

Further Information and Application

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