PhD Positions within the Field of Innovation Management at Aalborg University, Denmark

The Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Business and Management offers two positions as PhD fellowship within the field of innovation management at Aalborg University, Denmark
Study Subject(s):Innovation Management
Course Level:PhD
Scholarship Provider: Aalborg University, Denmark
Scholarship can be taken at: Denmark

The PhD scholarship has a duration of three years. Applicants to the PhD scholarship must hold a degree equivalent to a Danish Master’s degree. Applicants enrolled at a Danish Master programme who expect to graduate before the date of appointment must forward a copy of their specialekontrakt and documentation for the date of their final exam.

Scholarship Open for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Civil Engineering 2 PhD stipends are available within the general study programme At The Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Business and Management two positions as PhD fellow within the field of innovation management with a focus on Danish/European and Chinese/Asian perspectives. The PhD fellowships are open for appointment from 1st September 2011 or as quickly as possible. The two positions aim to strengthen the research and teaching capacities within the field of international innovation/innovation management. The two PhD positions will have Denmark and China as their primary empirical basis. The first position will focus on radical innovation initiatives in established firms and how such initiatives can help to ensure competitiveness The second position is based on the notion that “cultural diversity” is an antecedent to innovation. The PhD-project is expected to focus on how internationalisation of companies and in particular how culture and the global mindset of companies intertwine with innovation capabilities and the way innovation is managed. The two positions aim – through the attachment to the Sino-Danish Center in Beijing – to strengthen the research and teaching capacities within the field of innovation management at Aalborg University and at the Graduate University of the China Academy of Sciences (GUCAS).

How to Apply: Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15/08/2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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