Master Studentship in Cell Biology at The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany

The group “Maintenance of Genome Stability” at The Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry is inviting applications for Master Student in Cell Biology.
Study Subject(s):Cell Biology
Course Level:Masters
Scholarship Provider: The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany

Candidates with a strong interest in genetics and cell biology are invited. Applicants should be highly motivated and interested to work in a young team of international scientists. Communication skills and good knowledge of the English language are required.

Scholarship Open for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: Eukaryotic cells are mostly diploid, but the chromosome numbers might vary due to defects in maintenance of chromosome stability, as we see often in cancer cells or during aging. The main focus of our research is to understand how eukaryotic cells maintain their chromosome numbers and how they response to the aberrations in chromosome composition. The project would specifically focus on polyploidy and aneuploidy in budding yeast and involves a wide range of techniques from molecular genetics, biochemistry, cell biology to systems biology, thus providing excellent training opportunities. Successful applicant will work in an exciting research environment with access to novel technologies and excellent infrastructure.

How to Apply: Send via email

Scholarship Application Deadline: August 10, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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