Oxfam GB Programme Officer, Governance & Partnership Job Vacancy in Lodwar Kenya

Programme Officer, Governance & Partnership
Based in Lodwar
National post, offered on an open-ended contract
You can make a difference. Get heard where it counts.

Oxfam GB, Kenya works with pastoralists and other marginalised communities in Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASAL) as well as the urban centres to address poverty.

The experience from ASAL programme has highlighted that inclusive participation in policy formulation and implementation processes, decision-making and resource allocation is critical to a long-term approach to addressing poverty.

The strengthening of the Civil Society Organisations (CSO) to galvanise communities voices for good governance has been identified as key towards sustainability and reduction of poverty

The role
You will support the implementation of the good governance interventions in Turkana in relation to the ASAL strategy and provide technical advice and guidance to the project teams.

You will take a leading role in supporting strategic partners and other beneficiary institutions; develop specific capacity development, monitoring, evaluation and learning.

In addition you will be expected to promote effective working relations with relevant government line ministries, partners, local organisations, community members and their leadership.

The Person
The role has challenging scope and hence to be successful, you will have a degree in social sciences or other development related field and verifiable experience in community work governance and advocacy.

You will have substantial experience of working with partner organisations and strengthening local capacity. Excellent analytical and critical thinking and well-developed ability to facilitate learning and knowledge management are critical for your success in the role.

Your ability to support and influence others, and experience in working in multi-cultural teams coupled with excellent communication, facilitation and networking skills will put you in good stead. Excellent teamwork skills and ability to build good relations internally and externally are essential to this role. Good knowledge of social economic and political development in Kenya is essential.

To apply
If you believe you fit the profile, please submit your application and CV detailing your experience for the post and including daytime telephone contact and two referees, preferably your current line managers to kenyajobs@oxfam.org.uk quoting PO, Governance & Partnership by 22nd July 2011.

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