Government of Kenya
Consultancy Announcement
For Individual Consultants / Contractors (IC)
Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling System
Duty Station: Project Management Unit, Teleposta Towers, Nairobi
Duration: 40 working days over 4 months (1 Country Mission- 5 days in Kenya)
The Standards and Labeling Programme is a 5 year initiative designed to remove barriers to market transformation of energy efficient products and services in Kenya with replication effect to 4 other East African Community (EAC) countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
The goal of the Programme is to reduce energy (electricity) related CO2 emissions in Kenya and the EAC Countries by improving the energy efficiency of selected appliances and equipment in Residential, Commercial and Industrial Sectors.
This will be achieved by market transformation towards high-energy efficient appliances through the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Efficiency Labels
The main objective of the project is to remove the barriers to rapid and widespread uptake of energy efficient motors in the industrial sector; refrigerators in the residential; display refrigerators in the commercial sector; air-conditioners in the commercial and residential sectors; and lighting in the three sectors.
Objectives of the Assignment
The objective of this assignment is to make an inventory and carry out a desk review of the most appropriate international appliance energy performance test procedures, Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Label schemes for adoption in Kenya.
This will be applicable for all the five products under consideration in this programme. The Consultant will then make recommendations on the appropriate test procedures, MEPS and Energy Efficiency labels to be adopted in Kenya for the five products. This will address Outcome 1 highlighted in the previous section.
The main output of this consultancy assignment will be a detailed scheme document for consultation.
This document would cover the requirements spelt out under paragraphs 2-11(see detailed TOR in the UNDP Kenya website) including the system proposed for energy efficiency and product labeling of the selected appliances by incorporating the testing standards, testing methodologies, grading criteria and application procedures.
The report will also cover the regulations, including standards and labeling format for enforcing the energy efficiency labeling of appliances in Kenya.
Degree of Expertise and Qualifications
The selected Consultant for this assignment shall be required to possess the following expertise:
• Bachelor of Science in relevant field with extensive experience
• Expertise and /or professional experience in Energy Efficiency field.
• Good knowledge and Professional experience in the Industrial equipment
• Experience in development of Energy Efficiency Standards and Label Classification.
• Knowledge of the energy sector and particularly Energy (Electricity) Efficiency and conservation in industry
• Association between International and Kenyan based consultant(s) is encouraged
All applications should be submitted to on or before close of business 18 July 2011.
The full Terms of Reference (TOR) and requirements can be viewed by visiting the UNDP website: