Non State Actors Support Programme Driver Job Vacancy in Kenya

The Non State Actors support Programme (NSA-NET) is a Programme under the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs and is financed by the European Union.

Applications are invited from qualified Kenyans Nationals for the following position to serve in the Programme Management and Facilitation Unit (PMFU) office:

1 Post

Contract Period: NSA-NET Programme will end in December 2012 and is non extendable.
Monthly Salary: Kshs. 50,000/- consolidated

Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this position, a candidate must have:-
• Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education mean grade C Plain or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
• A valid driving license free from any current endorsement(s) for class(es) of vehicle(s) an officer is required to drive;
• Attended a First-Aid Certificate course lasting not less than one (1) week at St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway and Building technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized institution;
• A current certificate of good conduct from the Kenya Police;
• At least five (5) years previous satisfactory (and accident free) driving experience after obtaining the driving license; and
• Basic mechanical knowledge about vehicles.

Duties and Responsibilities

The main duties and responsibilities of the driver will include:-
• Driving a motor vehicle as authorized;
• Ensure vehicle is always in good working condition, including cleanliness and carrying out routine checks on the vehicle’s cooling, oil, electrical and brake systems, tyre pressure, etc;
• Ensure that licenses (including the driver’s license) motor vehicle Insurance etc are always up to date by timely informing the Office Manager;
• Detecting and reporting malfunctioning on vehicle systems;
• Maintenance of work schedule for vehicle assigned;
• Ensuring security and safety for the vehicle on and off the road;
• Safety of the passengers and/or goods therein;
• Delivery of mail and documents to designated locations; and
• Performing any other relevant duties assigned by the Office Manager

Qualified applicants are required to send or deliver a hand written application, a detailed curriculum vitae and copies of certificates and testimonials in an envelope clearly marked “NSA-NET PMFU 5A: Office Driver” to:

The Programme Manager
Non State Actors Support Programme
Extelcoms House, 5th Floor
P.O. Box 61978-00200

To be received not later than 14th July, 2011.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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