Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife National REDD+ Coordination Officer Job Vacancy in Kenya

Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife
Vacancy Announcement

Terms of Reference for a National Coordinator on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+)

Job Title: National REDD+ Coordination Officer
Reports To: Conservation Secretary

1. Background
The Government of Kenya has received support from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) under the World Bank towards preparing activities Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+ Readiness) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for employment of a National REDD+ Coordination Officer.

REDD+ Readiness activities refer to a set of activities needed to develop a National Strategy and Implementation Framework to support REDD+ implementation as a Climate Change mitigation process.

In support of these efforts, a REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposal (RPP) has been prepared which proposes a number of strategy priority areas and actions to design and test REDD+ measures.

These activities include: a management and consultative approach that will provide the basis of all activities, (legal, socio-economic environmental and financial arrangements) for subsequent REDD+ implementation; the approach to design Kenya’s Carbon Emissions Reference Scenario; the means for monitoring the emissions and the approach to assess and subsequently monitor social and environmental impacts on REDD+ strategies.

Implementation of RPP to deliver the strategy, a reference emission scenario and monitoring system, will be undertaken over a period of the next three years.

The Kenya REDD+ Readiness efforts will be steered by an Inter-Sectoral National REDD+ Steering Committee (NRSC) based at the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife Headquarters at Telposta Building.

The strategy formulation process will be coordinated under a National REDD Coordination Office managed by the National REDD Coordination Officer (NRCO). The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife now seeks to engage the services of a competent Expert to serve as the NRCO.

Scope: The scope of this assignment is to ensure successful implementation of Kenya’s RPP and to catalyze the national REDD+ process in building the national capacity to support REDD+ implementation.

Major Tasks
The NRCO will provide:
1. Management Support: The NRCO will provide management support to the National REDD+ Technical Working Group on the implementation of the REDD+ Readiness programme including: planning and budgeting of activities, elaborating Terms of Reference for various tasks preparing in consultation with relevant stakeholders); assist in administering contracts, overseeing budgets, monitoring activities, ensuring due consultation and participation of the Civil Society and REDD+ stakeholders, and representing the programme in key REDD+ events, among others as required.

2. Technical Assistance on REDD+: The NRCO shall be a qualified professional with technical competence relevant to the REDD+ process to provide technical assistance and policy advice to Government, the REDD+ Task Forces/Committees and Civil Society Stakeholders on REDD+ matters.

The main aim is to build capacities, ensure technical quality of the process, ease understanding of key data and results, and generate consensus among key stakeholders. The Officer should be competent and familiar with the processes involved in REDD+ strategy including development of a Reference Emission Scenario and a Monitoring System.

3. REDD Coordination Support: The NRCO will support the coordination and advancement of the National REDD+ process. He/She will also be responsible for coordination of work carried out by the various Task Forces that will be established to deliver specific components of the strategy. The NRCO will assist in the harmonisation between the different technical, financial and operational efforts towards REDD+ in the country.

Specific tasks include, but are not limited to:
• Provide leadership on day-to-day implementation of the National REDD+ Programme,
• Coordinate work carried out by the various Task Forces that will be established,
• Ensure effective communication and outreach of the overall REDD+ process and support stakeholders consultations,
• Provide guidance and actively develop conflict resolutions and manage grievances,
• Liaise and coordinate activities to be undertaken by the REDD+ County Conservancy Officers,
• Support responsible for preparations of Annual Work Plans and Budget and undertake financial management functions;
• Undertake oversight on mainstreaming gender concerns carryout other duties as may be delegated.

The National REDD+ Coordination Officer will be under the supervision of the Conservation Secretary in the Ministry of Forestry & Wildlife.

Required skills, competencies and experience

The main required skills, competencies and experience include:
• A Masters Degree or equivalent in natural sciences (natural resource management, geography, environmental science, forestry), resource economics or in a development-related discipline.
• A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in development, including at least 5 years of experience in project/programme management.
• Knowledge of international commercial practices on selection of consultancies and contract administration.
• Strong leadership, communication and managerial skills.
• Proven ability to plan, organise and effectively implement activities.
• Ability to coordinate and work in teams, as well as in complex environments.
• Experience in dialogue processes between Government and civil society, and on consensus building.
• Good Understanding of ongoing international Climate Change discussions and especially REDD+ policy framework

2. Contract duration
• 2 years starting in July 2011 renewable for a further period of one year
3. Expected Outputs
• A national strategy to support REDD+ implementation in the country ;
• a national reference emission scenario for the country; and
• An effective Measurable, Reporting and Verifiable (MRV) system to assess the performance of various strategy options to reduce emissions and support livelihoods.

Interested and qualified candidates should send their detailed CVs with daytime contacts and copies of academic and professional certificates to the undersigned so as to reach him on or before 4th July, 2011.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife
P.O. Box 41394- 00100


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