Finance Assistant Job Vacancy in Nairobi at CDC Kenya

The United States Embassy – Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Kenya has a vacancy for Finance Assistant in Nairobi.

The incumbent reports to the Division of Global HIV/AIDS, Finance Analyst and is responsible for carrying out necessary administrative and liaison actions to execute tax exemptions for HHS/CDC DGHA Kenya.

Incumbent maintains tracking system for all Donor Assistance (DA)-1 forms with relevant Government of Kenya officials to ensure timeliness in securing tax exemption.

Also assists with budgetary analysis of CDC Kenya implementing partners’ program budgets.

The job requires high organizational skills to ensure that records for all partners’ tax claims are well documented and easily accessible for update reports on tax exemption status.

The work is highly complex and can be of high stakes to implementing partners in terms of what will be considered as allowable costs and unallowable cost in their award funds.

• Bachelors degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Finance or Accounting is required.
• Five (5) years progressive responsible experience in dealing with national, international or non-governmental financial management system, customs work, clearing and forwarding or national tax policies.
• At least 3 years experience as a supervisor in financial or accounting work is also required.
• Level IV (Fluent) English ability is required.
• Level III Kiswahili ability also required.
• Must possess standard word processing and spreadsheets skills.

Those fulfilling the requirements of the position should fill an Application for Employment Form found on: and submit their application together with a detailed CV, and supporting documentation e.g. certificates via mail before June 28, 2011 to the following address:

Human Resources Office
Public Health Professional Positions
P. O. Box 606
Village Market 00621
Nairobi, Kenya

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