Location: anywhere in Canada
Young Greens Council Elections. If you would like to get involved
Young Greens councillors organize outreach activities, manage budget, help shape policy, administer social media and steer all matters relevant to the under 30 demographic. It is the most direct way to get involved with the green party.
Candidates must be members in good standing of the Green Party of Canada (pay membership dues) between the ages of 14 and 29. The Green Party encourages applicants from a diversity of backgrounds.
Young Greens Councillors come from all across Canada, and meet via conference calls as often as the council determine is necessary. No prior experience with the Green Party required.
The following positions are up for election:
• Chair (Male)
• Chair (Female)
• Organizing Chair (Male)
• Organizing Chair (Female)
• Francophone Communications
• Anglophone Communications
• Administration and Finance Chair
• National Campus Clubs Coordinator
For more information see: http://younggreens.ca/ygc-election